> why us?
Care Performance attaches great importance to its values which equate Care, which corresponds to the desire to take care and be attentive, and Performance through action and daring to achieve results.

Confidentiality is a core value for Care Performance. Confidentiality and transparency are at the heart of our interventions. We are careful to take care of every person whose qualities we recognise and whose freedom we
guarantee. It all starts with confidence which permits us to combine our ethical intervention with our code of professional ethics , internally and externally, with out values acting as norms applied to other areas of business. Thus, we strengthen the quality of our services and the sense of belonging, which can act as a benchmark in case of difficulties.

For Care Performance ‘audacity’ in an important value and a condition of progress and performance. Our team is dynamic, and has confidence in its expertise and ability to innovate. We dare, propose, invent and act – but always in a thoughtful and constructive manner. We question our certainties in order to innovate and seek the most efficient, original, creative and innovative solutions. We wish to convey our values to our clients, adapting our services so as not to settle for standardized solutions and methods.

We pay special attention to respect for Man is his environment, and for his dignity and freedom, while ensuring his protection. We are concerned about the well-being of every person, and because of that we put forward an approach which seeks, through dialogue, to persuade and mobilize, but never impose ideas or desires. For Care Performance, trust and performance are intrinsically linked to listening, so all of our team members are attentive to others, both in internal relations and vis-à-vis clients. ou de volontés.

For Care Performance, enthusiasm leads to positive vitality that facilitates teamwork in a happy atmosphere. This energy gains from a deep harmony between the purpose of the work performed and facilitates an improved performance by developing personal investment in a project. Enthusiasm requires harmony with the people with whom we work and cooperate daily. Our orange logo – orange is a bright colour – symbolizes this value and optimism, good humour, openness and warmth provided by team work, and the ideal for a winning friendliness within the business.