> our services
We offer advice regarding problems connected with management, psychosocial and quality of life at work.

The priority of Care Performance is to focus action on quality of life at work.
Thus, we can usefully support you in order to:
- lessen the stress levels in your business.
- improve managerial quality.
- preserve the motivation of your staff.
- diminish conflicts within your business.
- improve the effectiveness of your early intervention system.
- safeguard the social dialogue.
Psychological risks refer to professional constraints which can negatively influence health, effectiveness and productivity. The most usual are those connected to an excessive workload, a lack of autonomy and/or social recognition, absence of career viewpoint, a lack of meaningful social support, dissenting practises by management, violence or intimidation.
The Quality of Working Life corresponds to a pro-active and global approach by the business which implies the active participation of all associates, that is essentially the CHSCT, the management, the SST, social worker, the DRH including the management and staff. It is permanently involved while attempting to eliminate as far as possible professional constraints, and to favour the health and safety of all colleagues and by promoting ‘healthy’ practices by the management.